General Meeting
July 15, 2016
The HAPLD Friends Foundation members met at Tom’s Farm Market, Friday, July 15, 2016. Those in attendance were:
Diane Becker, Sandy Cooper, Pat Cornwell, Pat Darow, Janet Gorgius, Genevieve Hochwarter, Stevie Massei, Shirley Nowak, Audrey Olsen, Jackie Pollack, Janis Ruffino, Martha Schooley, Mary Ann Schopen, Judy Schrader, Marge Smith, Bert Stohs, Reta Stohs, Candace Maloney; Friends Liaison, Pamela Kampwerth; Library Director, Frank Novak
President, Genevieve Hochwarter, called the meeting to order at 11:18 a.m. She welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited everyone to introduce themselves. A basket was passed to collect money for the iced tea and scones.
Director’s Report
Frank indicated that it is not too late to sign up for the Summer Reading Program. The Friends sponsor this program every year.
Secretary’s Report
The July minutes were reviewed. Reta moved the minutes be accepted, Pat seconded, the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report showed a balance of $19,798.90. Major income was from books sales and Mini-Links sponsorship. Major expenses were for the Brainfuse subscription, Staff Appreciation Committee, and postage. Stevie moved the treasurer’s report be accepted, Martha seconded and the motion carried.
Book Sales
Reta reported the August book sale will be open Friday night during the Minilinks as well as the usual Saturday and Sunday. Everyone was encouraged to sign-up for times during the three days. Fall Fest, at the Cosman Center, is the biggest sale of the year. It requires many volunteers to make it successful. Reta thanked Genevieve for taking care of getting teens to help take down the sale on Sunday.
The award winning Minilinks event will be held on August 5. Over $1000 has been received in sponsorship. A grant was received from ALA for last year’s program and the Friends were recognized at the ALA conference.
Jewelry Sale Committee
A new fundraiser scheduled for October 22 will sell costume jewelry. Jewelry donations can be left in a basket in Pam’s office. Janis also has a box on her front porch. Donations will be accepted until the end of September. Anyone interested in being on the committee is invited to a meeting on August 9th, 11:30 a.m. at Genevieve Hochwarter’s home.
Check the Friends website to see what the Friends are doing.
Tickets for events can be purchased online.
Audrey moved that the meeting adjourn, Pat seconded, the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marjorie Smith