General Meeting in Program Room, February 17, 2017
Attending: Connie Corwin, Stevie Massei, Diane Benson, Karen Hutchings, Marge Smith, Deanna Engelke, Reta Stohs, Nancy Hardy, Pat Cornwell, Janis Ruffino, Muriel Fink, Candace Maloney, Frank Novak – Library Director, Pamela Kampwerth – Friends Liaison
Janis Ruffino called the meeting to order at 11:05 am. Thank you to Marge for bringing treats today.
Annual Strategic Planning Recap: The Board of Directors Meeting was held at G. Hochwarter’s home on February 3rd. Discussions as to what worked and looking ahead to the future. Three major items were targeted: Increasing Membership – Members should bring a friend along to meetings, stress that there is a very flexible schedule for time to volunteer, provide wrapped snacks and water. Diverse Fundraising Efforts- In addition to Book Sales, we held 2 very successful jewelry sales and candy sale. Karen Hutchings suggested a fundraising idea her church has had success with…selling gift cards from various restaurants where the Friends would get a percentage back from the businesses. Karen will look into this and get more details. “Little Libraries” Project- Eagle Scout is working on building 3 of them and hopefully will be ready soon. Volunteers are needed to “adopt” a library to check in on it and books will be supplied from the library.
Director’s Report: Frank informed members of the generous donation of $45,000 to the library by the late Betty O’Connor, who was a Friend of the library. Library has received the first distribution from the estate and the money is to be used for library’s interior needs. Also Frank read an Honorary Resolution from the Board of Directors recognizing the Friends’ outstanding contributions, monetary, as well as the numerous volunteer hours benefiting the library over the years. This framed Resolution will be on display outside the Friends’ office. Janis expressed thanks to both Betty and the Board.
Secretary’s Report: The January minutes were reviewed. Connie Corwin moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Nancy Hardy and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Diane Benson reported Book Sale was very successful and that more memberships have come in. Also, the check for $6,500 from EFS Foundation was received. This was not yet reflected in the $5029.08 balance. Karen Hutchings moved to accept the report, seconded by Pat Cornwell and the motion carried.
Library Lovers’ Jewelry Sale: Sale netted $664 which is all profit since all the jewelry was donated. Deanna Engelke had taken some of the leftovers from the sale to sell at her church and sold $90 worth. We will split the profit with the church. Nancy Hardy also took some purses and jewelry to Your Best Friends’ Closet on consignment.
Library Lovers’ Book Sale: Reta Stohs reported that the Book Sale was very successful bringing in $818. She thanked all the volunteers for their time setting up and working the sale. There was a very good crowd both days and people commented on how much better it was having the sale in the library instead of the program room. Marge Smith commented that Sunday was the busiest they have seen.
Library Lovers’ Morkes Chocolate and Candy Sale: Since Claudia of Morkes gave us candy at wholesale prices and someone purchased the candy, Friends had a pure profit of $180.
April Book Sale: Volunteers are needed. Suggested that volunteers could bring a friend to help and perhaps this would result in new members. Sale will be held in library behind Reference area again.
Culvers’s: Volunteers are needed for Monday, April 17th. We must have 2 runners for each shift and shifts can be 1 hour instead of 2.
April General Meeting: Since it was very well received last year, Kathleen Karr from Growing Scene Inc, will again come as speaker on Friday, April 21st and the topic will be pollinators.
May Breakfast Fundraiser: There will be a presentation of Franklin D. Roosevelt by RJ Lindsey at Boulder Ridge Country Club on May 17th from 9:30-11:00am. Tickets will go on sale for $30 beginning April 1st. Tables of 10 may be reserved.
Pat Cornwell moved to adjourn the meeting, Muriel Fink seconded and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:35am.
Respectfully submitted, Candace Maloney