Meeting Minutes – October 16, 2015

General Meeting
October 16, 2015

The HAPLD Friends Foundation members met in the Program Room of the Library, Friday, October 16, 2015. Those in attendance were:

Diane Benson, Pat Cornwell, Connie Corwin, Pat Darow, Deanna Engelke, Muriel Fink, Genevieve Hockwarter, Shirley Nowak, Martha Schooley, Marge Smith, Bert Stohs, Reta Stohs, Leslie Threadgill-Smith, Cory Sesko, Leigh Ann Porsch- Library Communications Coordinator

President, Genevieve Hockwarter, called the meeting to order at 11:04.

Director’s Report /Trustees’ Meeting Report
In the absence of the Director, Leigh Ann Porsch reported that the Trustees are still looking into options for blocking the wind from the front doorway. While the Trustees are in favor of an LED sign, the village requires that the sign be surrounded by brick and stone. This puts an LED sign out of the Library’s price range.

Secretary’s Report
The September minutes were reviewed. Connie moved the minutes be accepted, Pat seconded, the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Diane Benson gave the treasurer’s report which showed a balance as of October 14 of $21,752.37. Income was from Corner Book sales, Fall Fest, and Culver’s. Expenses included a donation to the Library for reading programs. Connie moved the report be accepted, Pat seconded, the motion carried.

Book Sales
Reta reported that there was a great volunteer turnout for Fall Fest that made everything easier. She thanked all the volunteers and Genevieve who arranged for High School boys to help take down on Sunday night. There was a great turnout this year, though Sunday night from 5-7p.m. was slow. She thought the large book sale sign next to the restroom sign helped sales.

The next Book Sale is November 7 & 8. Volunteers are needed.

Holiday Basket Committee
The next Basket Committee meeting is November 3, 10 a.m. and basket assembly will be November 17. The Baskets will go on display November 20. Ticket sales will begin then.

Friends of Libraries Week: October 18-24
The annual Friends Open House is Wednesday, October 21, 1:00 p.m. in the Library Program Room.

Giving Tuesday
Our 501c3 is associated with the National Day of Giving, Tuesday, December 1. A mailing will go out to all Friends and other donors.

Connie moved that the meeting adjourn, Pat seconded. The meeting adjourned at 11:27a.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Marjorie Smith